Thursday, March 26, 2020

April Meeting Cancelled

1 comment:

  1. Subject: introductions and perhaps an interview?

    Dear Klamath Falls Spinners and Weavers Guild,

    I’m a folklorist with the Oregon Folklife Network, the state’s designated folk and traditional arts program, as well as with the High Desert Museum in Bend.

    Back in 2014, folklorist LuAnne Kozma was doing contract work for OFN, which means she was hired to identify and document folk and traditional artists in Klamath county. While she interviewed many folks, she, like other folklorists, couldn’t get to everyone in the time allotted. She included a list of those we should follow up with and that included [you]. Here are some examples of the kinds of culture keepers from Klamath County who we feature on our roster, which helps libraries, museums, schools, and cultural organizations find traditional artists and pay them for public programs:,595854,595862,595889,595895,595920,595922,595929,595930&searchCriteria={%22county%22:%22Klamath%22}

    What I’m doing now in my work for OFN and for the High Desert Museum is to follow up on those leads from LuAnne and other contractors and set up interviews with likely people. I’ve [looked over websites, etc. ] and I’m hoping that he might be available for me to interview on zoom about [skill/art].

    I’m happy to talk to you first to explore the possibilities.

    Many thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you either via email or phone (see below).


    Rachelle H Saltzman, PhD
    High Desert Museum
    Bend Oregon 97702
    Mobile: 515 979 0522

    Rachelle H Saltzman, PhD, Folklore Specialist
    Oregon Folklife Network
    242 Knight Library
    6204 University of Oregon
    Eugene OR 97403
    Cell: 515-979-0522
