Friday, January 2, 2015

KLAMATH SPINNERS’ & WEAVERS’ GUILD NEWS               January 2015

By Sharon                                                                                                                   541-891-0817


If you have an ad you would like to be put in the newsletter, please send it via email or snail mail by the end of the previous month before the issue you would like it in.  Your ad will be in the newsletter for 2 months.  Thanks.

Klamath Spinners’ and Weavers’ News Guild annual dues are $10/year.  Dues are due in November and can be given or sent to our treasurer, Karen Williams, 1700 Fairmont St., Klamath Falls, Or  97601. 

The December meeting with Christmas Cookie and Ornament Exchange was a nice meeting with lots of sharing.

Here is the Guild’s agenda for the 2014-2015 year.

January – Beginning Backstrap weaving hosted by Margery Brick                                                                             
February – Card weaving hosted by Kathy Nelson                                                                           March – A bring your current project work day.                                                                                    
April – Art yarn- bring a yarn you have worked on and also bring your wheel to learn a new one at the meeting.                                                                                                                                             May – Wet felting hosted by Susan Schuette.                                                                                                 
June - Carding and Blending; bring fibers and carders and it is also the guild annual potluck.

The back room at the Klamath County Museum has been reserved for our meetings once a month until June.

The Guild sometimes meets informally in the summer for dyeing or fiber working.

This Month’s Meeting

This month our meeting will Tuesday, January 13th at 10am in the back room of the Klamath County Museum, 1451 Main St., at the corner of Main and Spring Streets.  This month we will be learning and doing backstrap weaving with MargieBrick leading us. This weaving, as many of you may know is a very portable and basic type of loom setup that uses your back for tensioning the warp.  You are actually part of the loom!   Please bring:

Cotton (can be bought at JoAnne’s, {Sugar & Cream})  scissors, 2 C-clamps, 4 or 5 sticks to hold the warp, a little longer than the width of your weaving width plan,  warping board if you have one, shuttle, or something you can use as a shuttle, like a tongue depressor, a dish towel or pillowcase that will go around your back to support your weaving,  heavy duty sewing thread,  some heavy cordage and a measuring tape could be handy.

For those of you in the Spinning Challenge

This is the last month the Spinning Challenge! Examples that are due are:  1 oz of Susan’s dark llama fiber, altered and 1 oz of Susan’s dark llama, spun plain.

It is inspiring and interesting to see how each spinner interprets the fibers into yarns.  There have been many lovely yarns created through this challenge.

From the Guild Library by Karen Williams for:

January 2015

[Our guild is 47 years old in July 2015!]

 Atwater, Mary Meigs. Byways in Handweaving, original printing 1954, reprint 1988. Shuttle-Craft Books, 128 pages. There is a copy of this book in our guild library!

 Mary Meigs Atwater (1878-1956) was one enterprising weaver whose biography and books are well worth checking out. She produced the Shuttle-Craft Guild as a business for the women in Basin, Montana in 1914 and explored, resurrected, and taught many “lost” weaving skills and methods over a span of more than 30 years. She also taught weaving as Occupational Therapy through WWI and II, and travelled to remote mining camps in Colorado, Oregon, Montana, Arizona, Bolivia and Mexico with her engineer husband (who died in 1919).

 Byways in Handweaving has chapters on card weaving, Inkle loom weaving, twined weaving, braiding and knotting, plaiting, and includes explorations of belt-weaves and other ethnic warp-faced weavings. There also is a short dissertation on the uses of handicraft in occupational therapy. Black and white photos, drafts and graphs, sketches and diagrams abound throughout to accompany informative text explanations.

 Note: Here are a few more potential references for card weaving:

Crockett, Candace. Card Weaving. 1991, Interweave, 144 pages.

Collingwood, Peter. The Techniques of Tablet Weaving. 2002, Robin & Russ Handweavers, 320 pages.

Mullarkey, John and Marilyn Emerson Holtzer. A Tablet Weaver’s Pattern Book, 2007, Mularkey Crafts, 87 pages.

Snow, Marjorie and William Snow. Step-by-Step Tablet Weaving, 1973, Golden Press, 80 pages.

And others…

 Weaving Guilds of Oregon (WeGO) and Association of Northwest Weavers (ANWG) news.


Klamath Spinners’ and Weavers’ Guild has won a scholarship from Weaving Guilds of Oregon for $200.


The winners of the $50 WeGO, (Weaving Guilds of Oregon) scholarships drawn from a hat at the December meeting are:

Marissa Spehar, Jennifer Lehman, Margie Brick and Sharon Allen.  These members may choose a workshop in 2015 to attend using the scholarship to help pay for it.  Each member will bring back what they have learned and share it with the guild.


The Bend Retreat is Friday, September 11th, Saturday, September 12th and Sunday, September 13th, at Mt. Bachelor Village.  The workshop teachers will be:  Sarah Lamb, who will be teaching a workshop on “Spin to Weave” and Robyn Spady who will be leading a workshop called, “Extreme Warp Makeover.”  Sunday is a half day workshop by  Robyn Spady and is called, “Tips and Tricks.” It is an additional $30.  The registration for these classes opens March 1st, 2015, and the workshop/classes are limited to 35 participants per class.  The cost estimate is between $250/$265 per person and includes meals lodging and workshop.


The Guild also needs to decide how we are going to help with the Bend workshops next fall


Klamath Spinners’ and Weavers’ Guild has agreed to do nametags for the Bend workshop retreat.  They will be probably woven.  Samples of the nametags are due at the February or March meeting.  The members on the nametag planning committee are:  Kathy Nelson, Carol Wylie, and Karen Williams.


Summer Workshop


The summer workshop is still in the planning stages, but it will probably be a dye day this summer in Langell Valley, either at Liz Hubbard’s home or the Lorella Grange Building. The workshop may be led by Spinjas from the Rogue Valley. The tentative date is Tuesday, July 14th

We will be voting on whether the guild will subsidize the workshop.  Some of the choices are:  washing and dyeing raw wool, kettle dyeing, fractured dyes, ombre colors on yarn, and yarn painting.  We will find out the cost of the workshop soon.


Guild Postcard


The proposal of a guild postcard and possibly joining the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce has opened up a lot of discussion about the future of our guild. Marissa has been working on the postcard along with Kathy.  We saw a very basic draft at the December meeting and another draft is being worked on.


The questions and comments that members discussed were:


Does the guild want to promote itself?

Does the guild want to let other people know the guild exists?

Many people don’t realize there are spinners, weavers and fiber artists in the area.

Does the guild want to expand?  In membership? Visibility?

Do the members want to keep the guild small and personal, or expand and have subcommittees, study groups and possibly other opportunities?

Does the guild want to outreach by working with children?

Possibly raise the guild dues to $15/year if we expand.

The guild needs to have evening meetings for those that have day jobs.

It would be nice to have a home base to weave and/or work on projects.

The cost of joining the Chamber of Commerce is $135/year.

The Chamber of Commerce could help promote the guild.

The guild could decide to join for one year and see how much the Chamber helps the guild during that year.

Liz will be bringing ballots to vote on whether the guild wants to have a representative postcard and also whether the guild would like to join the Chamber of Commerce.


Marissa has agreed to be our Chamber of Commerce contact should we decide to join.

Liz has offered to create a voting ballot for these questions and comments and bring it to the January meeting.


Save to my compuSave to DropboxShops with Classes around the Area

Laize Dayz Yarn and Tea Shop, 2617 Pershing Way, Klamath Falls, OR 541-892-6856.

The Websters, 11 Main St. Ashland,  OR  541-482-9801.

Warner Mountain Weavers,  459 S. Main St., Cedarville, CA,530-279-2164. Email:    Open Thursday- Saturday, 10am to 5pm. 

Middleford Yarn & Stitchery Shoppe,  30 N. Central Ave. ( new address), Medford, OR   97501.  541-734-8800.

Eugene Textile Center,  1510 Jacobs Drive, Eugene, OR  97402, 541-688-1565,


Tuesday Gatherings at Leap of Taste for Fiber Working and Tea Sipping, 9:30 am, 907 Main St.

Bring Your Own Craft evening at the Klamath County Library, the third Tuesday of the month which is Janurary 20th, 5:30pm.

1860s Days- A living history day at the Klamath County Museum will feature presentations by the Cascade Civil War Society and The Spinners and Weavers Guild. See a replica of a Civil War-era cannon. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, February 21st, 2015. Free Admission. (Generally participants are encouraged to wear period clothing, but anyone is welcome to attend and spin or weave!)

Heritage Days- Living history encampment at the Fort Klamath Museum. May 23-24. Free admission. (Thursday and Friday are field trip days for school children, mainly in the fourth grades throughout the county. Saturday and Sunday are open to the public. The spinners and weavers usually have use of the museum’s three-sided canvas tent for demonstration and talks during school tours on both days, and the rest of the weekend. It can be blustery and cold, so all that wool spun, knit or woven can be worn for warmth!)


Friday, June 19 , Saturday, June 20th and Sunday, June 21st , Black Sheep Gathering, Lane County Fairgrounds, Eugene, Oregon,

September 11-13, 2015,   Bend Weaving and Spinning Workshops, Mt. Bachelor Village, Sarah Lamb and Robyn Spady teachers.  Registration opens March 1st.  limited to 35  people per class/workshop.  Estimated cost:  $250-$265 including meals, lodging and workshops.


Newfoundland dog  hair.   Wondering if anyone was interested in it to work with? Contact:  Teresa Young  or 541-281-0700.

Looking for someone to take over the newsletter.  My last issue will be June 2015.  I will be happy to help the new newsletter person get started.  Contact:  Sharon – 


Thank you to all the volunteers who have demonstrated, worked on guild projects, led meetings and contributed to the guild.  You help us all.    Happy New Year!

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