Thursday, October 2, 2014

Klamath Spinners' and Weavers' News October 2014


By Sharon                                                                             541-891-0817


If you have an ad you would like to be put in the newsletter, please send it via email or snail mail by the end of the previous month before the issue you would like it in.  Your ad will be in the newsletter for 2 months.  Thanks.

Klamath Spinners’ and Weavers’ News Guild annual dues are $10/year.  Dues are due in November and can be given or sent to our treasurer, Karen Williams, 1700 Fairmont St., Klamath Falls, Or  97601. 

Thanks to everyone who came and spun, wove and visited at the Sheep to Scarf at the Farmers’ Market last September 6th.  It was a fun time. Kathy wove a beautiful scarf.  Many people bought raffle tickets and Margery Brick won the scarf.  We made $50 to donate to the Farmers Market EBT match program!

Thank you also to Karen Williams for hosting our last Guild meeting at her home. It was beautiful, pleasant, cozy, fun and productive.  Thank you Karen!

At the last meeting it was decided to continue to have “President for the Day” for another year.

Here is the Guild’s agenda for the 2014-2015 year.

October- video by Tom Knisely                                                                                                        November – a tentative plan for a meeting at Leap of Taste on SATURDAY, November 8th at 9 am to 11 am.  I will let you know if this plan materializes.  The library was already scheduled and they prefer to have library sponsored programs use their room. December – Guild Christmas cookie and ornament exchange.                                            January – Card weaving hosted by Kathy Nelson                                                                               February – Beginning backstrap weaving hosted by Margery Brick                                                March – A bring your current project work day.                                                                         April – Art yarn- bring a yarn you have worked on and also bring your wheel to learn a new one at the meeting.                                                                                                                          May – Wet felting hosted by Susan Schuette.                                                                                                                                           June - Carding and Blending;  bring fibers and carders and guild annual potluck.

The back room at the Klamath County Museum has been reserved for our meetings the 2nd Tuesday of the month until June and excepting November.

The Guild sometimes meets informally in the summer for dyeing or fiber working.

This Month’s Meeting

This month our meeting will be Tuesday October 14th at 10am, in the back room of the Klamath County Museum  in Klamath Falls, Oregon. We will be viewing a video by Tom Knisely.  He is a weaver and has quite a few books out.  He weaves rugs. His weaving sounds interesting.  Bring a project to work on while watching if you wish.

For those of you in the Spinning Challenge

The yarns were so lovely.  Everyone did such a beautiful job.  It was fun to see the differences using the same fiber by different spinners.   This month please bring yarn spun with 1 oz. white Corriedale, but altered in some way, and yarn spun with 1 oz of Margery’s gray wool spun plain.

From the Library
October 2014 guild book review by Karen Williams, guild librarian.
This book is not a part of the guild collection.
Friedman, Barry with photographer Gary Diamond. Chasing Rainbows: Collecting American Indian Trade & Camp Blankets. Bulfinch Press, 2002, hardcover, 304 pages.
While this book does not address hand weaving, it does cover an important piece of North American weaving history. By the late 1800s American weaving mills, including Pendleton Woolen Mills of Oregon, were weaving bright mainly geometric design blankets for trade and sale to American Indians, specific tribes, and the general public. Both wool and cotton blankets were manufactured by numerous mills. Collectors covet these blankets.
This coffee table worthy book has 320 brilliantly full color and 60 black and white photographs which accompany an entertaining and informative text. Its price may be off-putting, but what a unique experience to thumb through this book and see all those eye-dazzling blankets!

This is from Kathy Nelson, our Weaving Guilds of Oregon (WeGO) and Association of Northwest Weavers (ANWG) representative.

 ANWG is taking nominations for some officer positions.
The ANWG nominating committee, consisting of Jo Anne Ryeburn, Ellie Sheeran and
Annita Magee, need to come up with a slate of nominees for the 2015 ANWG Board.
The positions we need to fill are First Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. We
already have one application for the position of Treasurer. Application forms and
descriptions of positions can be found on the ANWG website.! !
Please forward this to your guild president to recommend people who might be suitable
and willing to apply. Our Nominating committee will follow up on any applications or
suggestions you may make. Thank you for your assistance!! !
Annita Magee

 The WeGO meeting is on October 11th in Eugene, so if anyone would like me to take a show and share item, I would love to pick it up on the 8th or 9th (I'll head to Eugene the 10th and can return the item at the next Guild meeting)

Our guild’s turn is coming up to possibly win a scholarship that could be used at the September 2015 workshops in Bend, Oregon. More information will be forthcoming soon.



Save to my compuSave tShops with Classes around the Area

Laize Dayz Yarn and Tea Shop, 2617 Pershing Way, Klamath Falls, OR 541-892-6856.

The Websters, 11 Main St. Ashland,  OR  541-482-9801.

Warner Mountain Weavers, 459 south Main St., Cedarville, CA 530-279-2164. 

Middleford Yarn & Stitchery Shoppe,  30 N. Central Ave. ( new address), Medford, OR   97501.  541-734-8800.

Eugene Textile Center,  1510 Jacobs Drive, Eugene, OR  97402, 541-688-1565,


September 11-13, 2015,   Tentative Bend Weaving and Spinning Workshops, Mt. Bachelor Village, still in the planning stages, Klamath Spinners’ and Weavers’ Guild will provide 5 - $40 scholarships to KSWG members  who attend. 

Check out the new Weaving Guilds of Oregon website:

As far as I know, we have 3 spinners participating in Spinzilla next week.  They are all a part of The Web-sters team and are Karla, Margery and Sharon.  They will be spinning as much as possible from 12:01 October 6th to midnight, October 12th.  Good luck!

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