Thursday, May 1, 2014

KLAMATH SPINNERS’ & WEAVERS’ GUILD NEWS                          May  2014

By Sharon                                                                             541-891-0817


If you have an ad you would like to be put in the newsletter, please send it via email or snail mail by the end of the previous month before the issue you would like it in.  Your ad will be in the newsletter for 2 months.  Thanks.

Klamath Spinners’ and Weavers’ News Guild annual dues are $10/year.  Dues are due in November and can be given or sent to our treasurer, Karen Williams, 1700 Fairmont St., Klamath Falls, Or  97601.  Thanks to everyone who has paid.

Thank you Karla for a nice meeting on Teneriffe.

This Month’s Meeting

This month our meeting will be Tuesday May 13thth at 10am in the back room of the Klamath County Museum, 1451 Main St., Klamath Falls, Oregon.

May – Inkle Weaving Demonstration by Karen Williams                                                 
June – Annual Potluck, and how about having our “carding party” hosted by Sharon

From the Library

Guild Book Review by Karen Williams, guild librarian for May 2014
An incomplete list of Inkle loom weaving references…
To accompany the inkle loom weaving demonstration for May 2014, I have put together the following list of references to aid anyone interested in the pursuit of the perfect Inkle (belt, strap, or band).
(Some books are from our guild library, some in personal libraries and some included from what is listed on


Atwater, Mary Meigs. Byways in Weaving, Shuttle Craft books, 1954/1988.

Bradley, Lavinia. Inkle Weaving: A Comprehensive Manual, Routledge, 1982.

Bress, Helene. Inkle Weaving, Scribners, 1975.

Brown, Rachel. The Weaving, Spinning, and Dyeing Book, Alfred A. Knopf, 1978.

Cooper, Joanna. Inkle Loom Weaving: A Beginner’s Guide, Harlot Pub., 1999.

Dixon, Anne. The Weaver’s Inkle Pattern Directory,, 2012.

Holland, Nina. Inkle Loom Weaving, Watson-Guptill Publications, 1973.

Holland, Nina. Weaving Primer: Complete Guide to Inkle, Backstrap and Frame Looms, Chilton’s Creative Crafts series, 1978.

Nauman, Rose and Hull, Raymond. The Off-loom Weaving Book, Scribner, 1973.

Neher, Evelyn. Inkle. Self-published in Guilford, CT., 1974.

Smith, Frances, B. Inkle Loom Weaving, Little Craft Book Series, 1976.

Tidball, Harriet. Weaving Inkle Bands, Shuttle Craft Guild, 1969.


Patrick, Jane. The Inkle Weaving A to Z workshop, Interweave Press, 2014.

Compiled by Karen Williams, Guild Librarian 4/2014

 News from Weaving Guilds of Oregon and Association from Northwest Weaving Guilds via our WeGo representative, Kathy Nelson.

Great News! Our three guild application for Grant money from ANWG has been awarded!

Klamath Spinners and Weavers Guild, Central Oregon Spinners and Weavers Guild, and Columbia Fiber Guild have received an $1800 ANWG Challenge Grant Award for our proposed event in September 2015. Now it is time to start planning in earnest!

Here is what Linda Gettman from Bend sent:
" Now we can start the detailed planning process for our event. If you can bring it up at your next couple of guild meetings and see who will be likely to come and who could help with the onsite details we’d appreciate it. Also if anyone in your group has worked on putting together something like this in the past we’d like their experience on the team !"

I hope we can take a little time to discuss next steps at our meeting this month. See you then!

Save to my compuSave to DropbShops with Classes around the Area

Laize Dayz Yarn and Tea Shop, 2617 Pershing Way, Klamath Falls, OR 541-892-6856.

The Websters, 11 Main St. Ashland,  OR  541-482-9801.

Warner Mountain Weavers, 459 south Main St., Cedarville, CA 530-279-2164. 

Middleford Yarn & Stitchery Shoppe,  30 N. Central Ave. ( new address), Medford, OR   97501.  541-734-8800.

Eugene Textile Center,  1510 Jacobs Drive, Eugene, OR  97402, 541-688-1565,


 Friday, May 16-Sunday, May 18, 2014, Fiber in the Forest  Camp Myrtlewood, Oregon. 3 day workshops. For more information contact the Eugene Textile Center at 541-688-1565 or

Thursday, May 22nd – Sunday, May 25th,  Heritage Days at Fort Klamath,  Ft. Klamath Museum, Hwy 62, about 35 miles North of Klamath Falls, OR.  9 am to 2 pm. Come and spin with Karen in the Spinners’ and Weavers’ tent. Please wear period dress.

Friday, June 20th-Sunday, June 22nd, 2014, Black Sheep Gathering, Lane County Fairgrounds, Eugene, Or .  For more info:

September 11-14, 2014, Warner Mountain Weavers 14th Annual Woolgathering,  Cedarville, CA  for more information, call 530-279-2164 or email:, website:

September 27th & 28th, 2014, Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival, Canby, OR., for more info:

September 11-13, 2015,   Tentative Bend Weaving and Spinning Workshops, Mt. Bachelor Village,  still in the planning stages, Klamath Spinners’ and Weavers’ Guild will provide 5 - $40 scholarships to KSWG members  who attend.  

For our June meeting, we could have it outside if weather permits, and do our carding.   If you have a carder, combs, blending board, or handcards that you would be willing to use at the meeting, please let me know.  I am thinking, depending on how many carders we end up with, of each owner of the carder, or other carding/combing item, being in charge of it, having a certain exercise to do.  Please let me know if you can bring something to card or comb with. Then I will know what fun blends we can come up with.  This will be a fun time and we can get some wool ready for summertime spinning and/or weaving!
go to to see a very neat flower weaving!

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